Thursday, May 15, 2014

A goodye too soon

She was frail and possibly one of the loveliest 90 year old ladies I have ever seen.
She was pleasantly confused and oh so sweet. 
We talked about where she lived,
she asked if her husband was still living. 
I told her she was beautiful, I meant it! 
I don't know if she believed me.
She couldn't see well. 
She wanted chocolate boost to drink.
I wasn't ready for our visit to end. 
I held the straw of the little chocolate drink to her lips. 
The  look on her face was similar to the look you see when 
a child is eating their favorite ice cream.
I won't forget that.
 Her small hand on mine as she continued to sip, 
enjoy such a simple pleasure. 
She didn't talk of Jesus that day,
she didn't say she knew she would be going home soon.
We were just two gals having a visit over chocolate boost,
And I didn't want to leave.
There was a peace about this sweet lady...
I wanted to hear stories of her youth,
But she had questions for me and that was more pressing. 
She wanted to know if it was sunny outside,
She wondered what month it was,
What day it was. 
It was Friday, May 9.
She died on that Sunday, Mother's Day.
On Monday when I returned to work,
I heard that
On Saturday she spoke to her nurse about going to meet Jesus soon.
She spoke of angels being all around her. 
She said she was ready. 
She was at peace.
I don't know if I touched her heart, 
I don't know if  she would remember my name?
I do know that kindness is never wasted,
That this lovely, little  90 year old  woman
Sure touched my heart,
And will stay with me for a long time.
It is in these daily interactions where we see 
Where, if we choose to see the tiniest of details, 
We can be forever changed, moved, softened.
I know you are home, 
I know you have peace.
It was so good to meet you while you were here,
Even for such a brief moment in time.
A goodbye said too soon,
But a memory
of a sweet, heart
will remain with me. 

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