Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Purpose is a result, end, aim or goal of an action intentionally undertaken,
 or of an object being brought into use or existence-
What is my purpose?
I want my purpose to be reflective of what God's purpose
is for me and my life.
I have been job hunting since August and haven't had much luck.
I have been praying about this and have come to the conclusion
 that if God wanted me to have a job right now,
 I would have a job right now.
So, then what is my purpose right now?
While my husband is out of state working,
I know
my purpose is to keep our home running as smoothly as possible.
I have also crashed head on in to the topic of bullying,
and feel like my purpose is to bring more light
to this subject.

So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.
Ephesians 5:17

This is not always an easy task.
Sometimes we fight, we hide, we disagree with what our purpose is.

If we are to be true to ourselves, to others,
we have to find out what our purpose is and then go and do and be what
we are meant to be.
It is also our privledge to help our children
recognize their purpose.

I know that I want to bless others. I want to share my heart.
 I want to listen, to love, to help.
I think that is a good place to start.

1 comment:

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Your posts are always inspiring. It sounds like you have purpose and I can't wait to see who you bless with all of your amazing kindness!


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