Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year, Another Chance...

     To enjoy time with the people I truly adore,  To give more,  To love better,  To forgive,  To be open to new experiences,  To make a difference,  To explore new ways to serve others,  To not fear or worry,  To laugh more,  To learn something new,  To do what I love,  To just be,  To travel,  To be brave, To fight for what I believe in,  To welcome change,  To make new goals for myself ,  To make healthy choices...

       2011 was a difficult year, my husband Nate was working out of state for most the entire year, we missed him so much and had to go about our days and months without him.  Ethan was sick for quite a while and couldn't finish his wrestling season, then poor Madi got sick over break.   We ended 2011 with the loss of  our kitten Max.  A terrible accident that was my fault.  My children and husband have forgiven me but I am a complete mess.  Nate left his job to come home and we are grateful but with that comes looking for work closer to home in a economy that is not doing well.  So Nate is home where he belongs and we are happy and grateful for that but are grieving the loss of our sweet, little Max.  He was with us for only a short time but will remain in our hearts forever.  Isn't that like life though...Happy times, sad times, a time to rejoice, a time to mourn, lessons learned the entire year through with a lot of love mixed in. 
     Through my tears I am looking forward to a New Year...and another chance.

Wishing all of you a healthy, happy and blessed new year.  
              Here is to 2012

1 comment:

alicia said...

I'm Just sick over the death of maxamillion. U need to forgive urself. Ur family already has.


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