Tuesday, June 18, 2013

{Not} picture perfect

 While driving to my daughters award ceremony a few weeks ago
my oldest son stated he wasn't feeling very well.
It came on fast and before I knew it 
Ethan's head was out the window and while holding on to his 
ball cap he began to puke out the window
into the warm breeze.
After, he said he felt much better and we went on with our day 
as if nothing happened.
In fact we laughed about it. 
We got to Madi's school and he
was fine,
he congratulated her, met some of her friends,
even posed for a photo.
We were busy, busy with his siblings last day of school,
Ethan had finished up early
because he didn't have to take finals.
We still needed to go to the high school to
 pack up his drums though.
Then we headed
to the Jr. High to pick up Cameron.
As we were driving home
I hear Cameron in the back seat
telling Madison that he doesn't feel well.
The next thing I know he is puking in a plastic bag.
It came on as quick as Ethan's
yet after, he said he felt much better. 
Even said he was hungry.
am I sharing this silly puking story.
Because these are the funny stories behind the scenes.
The {not pretty} moments that make
each day special, or at least funny.
Because things aren't always as they seem.
Things aren't always neat and tidy.
They can be messy,
life is messy.
 Hope you are enjoying your summer
all life's messy moments.

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