Choose you this day whom you shall serve, as for me and my house...We will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
I have just finished teaching this lesson of the Bible in my 5th Grade class this past week. The same lesson I taught E not so long ago.
My son Ethan had me for his teacher just 3 short years ago. My oh my how time flies...
Ethan got to go to a Christian concert last night, that actually turned out to be more like a revival as E tells it. He and his youth group took the church bus and headed up to Springfield for a night of Worship, fellowship and fun.
It is amazing... in those few short hours my son would make a decision that will change the course of his life, his attitude, and his heart forever.Ethan is a good kid. Not perfect by any means, but he is your all American, wrestling, drumming, singing, break dancing kid that does well in school, he loves cars and can't wait to drive, he is a good friend, has good manners, is a good big brother, and yes dates "the prettiest girl in school". Ethan won't believe that I wrote that because I have told him he is not allowed to date until he is 16. These dates consist of friends, chaperones, movies, lazer tag, dinner with each others families and youth group. Sweet and innocent.
last night my Ethan, let me rephrase, God's Ethan stood up in a crowded, teen filled room and
re-dedicated his life, and his heart to God. He couldn't wait to tell his Dad and I when he got home.
As he reinacted each moment of the evening, I cried, I laughed, I knew, that Ethan is on a course set before him by God, and that he will have to fight even harder now against darkness.
I thank God every day that I get to watch this young man grow up to be the Godly man that God wants him to be. I pray blessings over my son that he will know Gods grace and mercy and that he will be a light in this world for others to see. I am so humbled and proud that Ethan has made this decision on his own, to follow what Gods will is for his life.
I pray that you all have a lovely day filled with Gods goodness. Always, I am praising HIM!!!
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